『Challenge Mindset』Choose a challenge instead of one career path. 『挑戰心態』選擇挑戰而非單一職涯領域。

2 min readJan 3, 2022

Key information 關鍵資訊

Career education is no longer about commitment to choosing one path. It’s about exploration, purpose, and impact.





This sentence wake me up! I successfully get a better job by choosing the career path, but after 2 months I felt something different. It’s about contribution, I worked for a started-up company before that every day we were creating something new and trying so hard to prevent burning our all of the money. Although it’s kind of hell, I still learn something from it even I’ve left.

Now I working on a famous and mature firm with, better benefits, a chill vibe, a positive attitude, and a healthy business model. But what is my purpose except making the money? I suddenly can’t respond to it!

Now I realized why, it’s because I missed the key components of the challenge area! So even I lived in hell, three years of it even the job wasn’t reasonable but I would find my mission and purpose. Because I chose the field of IoT, I like to make the thing that can increase the life quality.


To have a new and one more perspective for considering the future and career is good. It’s pretty similar to stock investment, time we must see more perspective instead of embracing one rule! I reviewed my past, I did it 4 years ago but I changed it because of the speed of growing. So I turn to solve the problem of career path development from local to global. So far I still remembered and understand what I’m doing now! It’s good for testing this decision if made correctly.




To be the change what we must see. 正在成為世界游牧民族的路上,一邊旅行一邊記錄,住遍有溫度的空間、嘗遍有故事的咖啡廳、結交有趣的朋友。 將美好與感動的瞬間記錄下來,透過漣漪般的方式將能量分享出去。