Challenge your perspective! The Aroma of Coffee. 感官世界全面啟動-一杯咖啡顛覆對世界的認知,開啟了對世界的問與答。

6 min readJan 4, 2022
Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash


That is the story, how a cup of black coffee changes the perspective of how he thinks about the world! It’s the way from using the knowledge as filling formulas without caring other factors, from a student of choosing ABCE to the young man who is going to ask an open question, analyze information, and do their own experiments to make his own decisions.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash


What did you see? What did you feel? smell? taste?

How many sensibilities do human beings have?

What made you surprised before?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


6 years ago, a boy who is 20 years old got an eye-opening experience when he test the “pour-over coffee”.

What!? $ 150, per cup of coffee? Are you kidding me!?

Did I make the bad friend? Someone ever said: Kids who learned musical instruments would not turn bad. We were in the same rock band before, he was the crazy guitar, definely rocker(*Performing long hair, and shaking head) > If I’m parents, I definitely will doubt if he is a good friend, tell my boy” Never have fun with the people like him”

Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash

Brief introduction for the generation, my cost of living is 200$ per day. This lesson told me what is broke life(吃土).

So what did you think about this friend? (To interact and connect with the audience)

Siphon coffee — I’m stunned by this taste!

Anyway, I still came with this guy don’t know which magic did he use.

In my experiemence, coffee is bitter, why did he love it so much? I have no idea why to spend so much $ buying a coffee.

When I just stepped into a coffee shop, this magic attracted me immediately and deeply.

Photo by Joey Huang on Unsplash

Wow, is that some kind of experiment? What is this aroma? So smooth! It challenged my perspective! That is the coffee! I started to be interested in it. I just sit in front of the Barista and order my first “pour-over coffee”.

The journey of coffee aroma

  1. Pick coffee beans. It a new way to explore the world! I choose the coffee beans from South Africa “Ethiopia”. I touched the coffee beans and smelled it! Which is so real!
  2. Grind coffee beans. When the grinder started, the aroma pervaded all coffee shop!
  3. Make coffee.
  4. Sip the coffee of “Yirgacheffe”(耶加雪菲), is that a tea?! Not bitter!! I taste the flavor of flowers and citrus. At that moment, I find the deep connection between coffee and my soul.
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Just realized how we get something, we usually 80% of it is to get the end result. And plus dominant ideology keep the money on what ever you can spend, thanks the marketing team. When we tasted some food which is bad, we won’t choose it again. People like to stick the tag! (It’s human being!)

Confirmation bias 認知偏差

If I didn’t come with him, I may miss the inspiration for coffee.

The moment I realized that there is the fact I knew which isn’t completely right! What about other fields?

Have you guys watched the movie “The Truman Show” I just realized I lived the world created by some one, but what is the real world? It’s the beginning of my journey to build the world by my assumption and experiement.

For example, I was struggling the cost, because I fell in love with coffee. How could I have a cup of energetic coffee every day 150$? I learned it by reading the book, taking the course of coffee, owning my remote coffee studio! Finally I could drink the classic coffee every day by 30$!

It’s the attitude to challenge something we may know!

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

Keep fresh!


4-Quadrants Knowledge Map 認知四象限

Here is the map for guiding us to understand if our perspective is correct!*iaPEVbj4rY_JeaJHg91daw.jpeg

I learned it from a book 精準學習.

成甲 is the master of logic thinking, once said: he is the best storyteller! Top podcast in china.

Logic thinking the good tool and principle for building and upgrading our persepctive.

I know, I know =Skill & Advantages > Sweet point Dance and communication lesson.

I know, I don’t know = Unknown & defeat.

I don’t know, I don’t know = dangerous !!

I don’t know I know = Potential!


Observe it, only you feel it’s true so it’s the reality!
Challenge your perspective, and embrace the iteration of your version.



Questions and Answers

  • What is your purpose for this speech?
    It’s the way to wake myself and prevent the theory of the frog in warm water. Technology and the world change so fast, what about our perspective? The electronic car ”Tesla”, was made almost like iPhone. We think something is good enough, but there was some group of people try to make things better!
  • What are your goals or key results for this sharing and interaction?
  • What are the top 3 perspectives you would like the audience to bring it back?
    1.Curiosity, asking questions, challenging perspective.
    2. Digging it, building architecture for your world.!
    3. Review frequently!
  • What are the top 3 benefits if I apply the top 3 perspectives?
    1. Fun: You won’t feel bored anymore, because what you observe will be curious! It’s like
    2. Diversity: You will be more flexible when game-changing, from drowning person to the surfer.
  • What inspiration did I get from making this speech?
    1. The picture you saw many years ago, and the book you read many years live there forever not disappear! You will never know the thing you learned when will it give you a big hug! How to feel the same like me? Just give and use your own language and way to describe the perspective our logic!
  • How did you prepare this speech?
    1. Mindest: To make a blog is my 2022 year’s goal, practice makes better is true!
  • What question did you want?

Design for the speech

  • Humorous: 8 ha
  • Wow*3:Engagement speech.
  • 7 min = Speech
  • 10 min = Q&A





To be the change what we must see. 正在成為世界游牧民族的路上,一邊旅行一邊記錄,住遍有溫度的空間、嘗遍有故事的咖啡廳、結交有趣的朋友。 將美好與感動的瞬間記錄下來,透過漣漪般的方式將能量分享出去。