『Public Relations Plan』Shape 形塑!

3 min readDec 20, 2021
Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash


『形塑』是本次主題,因此關聯到前陣子讀完的一本書籍“牧羊少年的奇幻之旅” 英文為The Alchemist 又翻為煉金術師,裡面有幾個內容確實關聯到鍊金術師;不過最打動我的是煉金術這一詞,用個比喻“點石成金!”有可能是自己做到的,完成什麼成就,像是鋼鐵人在一堆破銅爛鐵中打造出第一套鋼鐵裝拯救了自己,或是幫助別人:在功夫電影裡面的主角被贈與了寶典,然後就學會了蓋世武功 拯救世人! 因此從起始到結尾貫串形塑一詞,至於形塑的核心是什麼呢?就在於心中,作者引用了一句話:你的心在哪裡,你的寶藏就在哪裡。因此這將是我作為這PR策略的引用與溝通故事。

Target Audience

  1. Guests: Who never heard toastmaster.
  2. Toastmasters: Who attended the meeting once at least.


To inspire and encourage members to invite more guests to attend meetings and maintain the ecosystem! In the meantime, To promote the organization and club, attract more new guests of members to join the meeting!

Story with where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Have you guys ever heard this sentence? Guess where it is from? Actually, I read it from the book” The Alchemist” which is a short story but got big inspiration!

What is the treasure you are looking for?

Where is your heart? Where are you now?

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

Why —

“When you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” — — The Alchemist

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I’m so appreciative that any power help with me here! If I have the ability, I will like to be a part of the universe for someone who needs help and had the ability I got!

I just realized that there are a lot of people who don’t even know what TMC is, so it’s like I will introduce it to some friend 5 times every month!

And I had found some senior members sharing the story about the public listening experience and realized how bad was me in the past that Ah-style speech, my apologies to my audience in the past, my great honor to Au counter this eventing! Because I’ve found even talk with a native speaker no matter Chinese or English.

Here are two fun stories, I talked with my good friend and counted her “Ah”, then she decided not to talk (Sad). Another case is in the business meeting with colleagues, that is not an easy case to share with your point directly right haha?

What — Leadership

The leader will be the change that he or she wants to see in the world! We’re toastmaster, we knew it! We respect people, treat people with integrity, give the service to someone who needs it and we became excellent together.

  • Confidence
  • Listening experiemence
  • Leadership

We have the power of shaping! Let’s start from ourselves to family, community, and all human beings!

How — Enjoy the adventure

  1. Create the feature list: All you could achieve or consult in the toastmaster group! Someone had created his own business here, someone found a soul mate, someone got the job from a foreign company, someone wrote a book! There is a lot of success story!
  2. Invite a new friend to join and have fun together!
  3. Co-building the club, quality, vibe whatever we can contribute.
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash


Shape yourself and other’s life.

Shape mindset.

Shape whatever makes a better world.

Now I would like to invite all of you to join this journey! Be the supporter and others universe!


That is the script for Toastmaster Strategy relationship Level 4 Project 1 — Public Relations Strategies.




To be the change what we must see. 正在成為世界游牧民族的路上,一邊旅行一邊記錄,住遍有溫度的空間、嘗遍有故事的咖啡廳、結交有趣的朋友。 將美好與感動的瞬間記錄下來,透過漣漪般的方式將能量分享出去。