Say Yes! 沒問題人生!

4 min readApr 16, 2022
Photo by Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash


You say no to life and therefore you’re not living.
Every time an opportunity presents itself to you were saying yes!


Say Yes!


Strategic Relationships



Purpose Statements

■ The purpose of this project is for the member to apply the skills needed to successfully lead in a volunteer organization.
■ The purpose of this speech is for the member to share some aspect of his or her experience serving as a leader in a volunteer organization.



Hi Buddy, every time when an opportunity presents itself to you, what will you say? Yes! (#Raise your hand, # high tone # Excited)

Then next moment, just figure out that you’re going to jump off a cliff!

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

It’s 87% similar to climbing the mountains, the buddy always says that hey bro! We’re almost there. Then you keep going! But you will never feel the mountain is closing to you, but you feel the soul is leaving your body.

Do you want to know what is the end of this story? or you’re just on the same team, the same road to your journey!


Are you guys ready to join my trip of Leading in my VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION, Leadership Village?

Rejections? Then I will do it again and again! 2:30

After I said yes to Matt & Sue.

The first stop I met is learning to live with the rejections………. I just realize that not only do I need to say yes, but also we need to let some people say yes as well! I remember that I send 10 invitations to some members, and received 7 rejections!

Then we still can’t fill the all vacancies, so what? we walk first and see if anyone could catch up with us!

Fortunately, we did it! because we keep doing the right thing instead of letting the fact limit us!

For example, I probably invite Adan 6 times at least! Then He finally attend the meeting, but also take the very important role of VPE.

Expanding 3:30

Even if it’s VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION, we also need to do some business development! Thanks to Matt! Always help us to connect great toastmasters from anywhere in the world: Thailand, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Arab, and the Czech Republic! Are we going to collect all the countries in United Nations?

In the meantime, the IPP Sue, as a senior sales invite me to the japan TMC 橫濱你好, to build a connection with other leaders! Luckily I met Christine the YWCA President. We start to be the helpers for both clubs! I must say the ally matters! We’re kind of in the same boat!

And then more and more like today’s assignments takers are my great ally as well! I treasure those relationships!

Dare to be different, innovation! 4:30

There was a topic about whether we should go back to an in-person or online meeting? We’ve analyzed the pros and cons and then find the solution targeting the top priorities of the team, e.g.:Rate of attendance, and new members.

In the end, we’ve decided that turn meetings into fully Online mode! I was very nervous in the beginning, as a leader I must take the biggest part of the responsibility! But the results are so great! we’ve almost increased 7 members including the fresh toastmasters or re-joining! Thanks!

To summarize the journey of leading LV, I’ve practiced the skills of interacting, building consensus, pointing out the pro and cons of different options, making the decision, and executing!

Appreciation, virtuous cycle!

I truly appreciate our members’ and officers’ enthusiasm and help this year! John, Wendy, and Mike helped to fill out the 360evaluation form and gave constructive suggestions and guidance.

E.g. Giving timely recognition to members, developing more the connection and relationships with members.

The best thing is that was I benefited from the members, then I will do the same that benefits the new toastmasters!

Conclusion 6:00

  1. Be proactive, say yes not only to the opportunity but also to the challenge! Because you will never know how much potential you have! Fall forward!
  2. Be creative, turn the limitation into opportunity! Even the winter! why some stores can even sell ice cream better than in summer?
  3. Be a giver: the vibe(virtuous circle) Leading by doing! I observed that many members were doing the role model e.g.Giving timely recognition to members, developing more the connection and relationships with members. Thank!

So! Guys, 7:00

Is there anyone interested in being the leader or officer team member at LV for the term 2022~2023?

When an opportunity presents itself to you, you know what will you say to

Please Say Yes!



Enhance the club’s vibe and add new energy to it.

Key Results

  1. Delivering the speech that inspires the next leader to stand up and take the role for the term 2022–2023.
  2. Appreciate all the officers’ and members’ support during the term 2021–2022.
  3. Build and set up a great tone and vibe for the term of 2022–2023.




To be the change what we must see. 正在成為世界游牧民族的路上,一邊旅行一邊記錄,住遍有溫度的空間、嘗遍有故事的咖啡廳、結交有趣的朋友。 將美好與感動的瞬間記錄下來,透過漣漪般的方式將能量分享出去。